I have a level of dependence on the new word for Microblogvember being posted before I go to sleep, but sometimes I miss it! Oh well :) #mbnov

Landscape and Memory" by Simon Schama made a huge impression on me when it first came out in 1995. It still resonates today. A masterwork of history and sociology. #mbnov

LibraryThing Catalog Entry

Dinner and a movie with my father, who would barely consider himself elderly #mbnov

Farewell Alex Trebek - all round great entertainer and Canadian 🇨🇦 - who hosted many shows before he became the Jeopardy! icon.

Bad Diaries, Verb Wellington, LitCrawl - truly wonderful#litcrawl #verbwellington #wellington #wellingtonnz #aotearoa #literature #poetry

NZ Parliamentary Library

Went to see “Baby Done” at the fabulous Lighthouse Cuba Cinema last night:

One of the most remarkable things about Baby Done, other than Rose Matafeo’s glorious performance, is that Zoe’s edges aren’t sanded down at all. She’s unashamedly ambitious and stubborn; she suffers no bullshit. She’s the kind of character you can imagine making producers nervous, the kind of person you’d either warm to at a party or walk away from immediately.

She’s totally someone I’d warm to - and the movie is amazing.

How Sophie Henderson got Baby Done done | The Spinoff

Beta version of the new Digital Bodleian is now online:



Francis Hodgkins Exhibition - Adam Art Gallery - until 13 December 2020

NZ Bookshop Day - on Election Day!

A new book 📚 for the new library 📚 from a new bookshop 📚 #library #books #wellingtonnz #bookshop #nzbooks #nzbookshopday2020 @goodbookshopnz

"The Madman's Library" - The strangest books, manuscripts and other literary curiosities from history (Edward Brooke-Hitching, 2020)

LibraryThing Entry

New library layout 📚

The reading room takes shape… #renovations #kitchen #update #upgrade #warehouseapartment #openplan #design #evastreet #hannahslaneway #wellingtonnz

Above & Beyond Group Therapy 400 - Live from London

Listen: Apple Music | Spotify

Van Gogh Alive

Went to see the Van Gogh Alive exhibition for Eva's birthday.

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Bill, Mum, Eva and Katie

Paul Melser dinner set

Delighted at our new dinner set made for us by Paul Melser. Really works fantastically with the new kitchen design.

Paul's wonderful pottery is located on Norfolk Road towards Mount Holdsworth in the Tararua Range, Wairarapa, Aotearoa New Zealand.

Regency style in a warehouse loft setting

An eclectic but aligned mixture of styles sometimes just works...

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Review of Piranesi - a novel by Susanna Clarke

This new novel by Susanna Clarke (author of Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell), references (in multiple ways) the work of the Italian artist and architect Giovanni Battista Piranesi known for his etchings of “fictitious and atmospheric prisons” (Le Carceri d’Invenzione). It is a ‘realist fantasy’ that conjures up both internal and external ‘otherworldliness’ in a lyrical and ultimately tender tale of loss, forgetting, and remembering.

Themes of finding truth through madness, caring for the dead and the lost, and devotion to place and the world (or worlds), are balanced with examinations of narcissism, ‘transgression’ and deep and enduring malicious manipulation.

It is all the more remarkable that this is told through a tale with initially only one character, and ultimately only a very small number of additional participants. It is a short read, for as the puzzle unfolds, the story draws you rapidly along until its ultimate and satisfying conclusion.

Highly recommended. 📚

LibraryThing Entry

Reviews and Links

Home Sweet Labyrinth: Susanna Clarke’s Mysterious ‘Piranesi’ Will Lock You In

The long-awaited followup to ’Jonathan Strange" is even more magically immersive

Thrilling to the magic inside the houses in ‘Piranesi’

Susanna Clarke’s infinitely clever ‘Piranesi’ is enough to make you appreciate life in quarantine

Piranesi Review: Susanna Clarke Turns to Modernist Magical Realism

Giovanni Piranesi

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Susanna Clarke's new novel - "Piranesi"

Fascinating new book 📚

Only just started reading it and it’s intriguing and delightful.

Full review and links

Art under lights

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#art #renovations #lighting