Regency style in a warehouse loft setting

An eclectic but aligned mixture of styles sometimes just works...

IMG 8907

IMG 8909

Wreck of the Hydrabad

Exposed elements of the wreck of the Hydrabad Waitarere Beach

Maritime Archeaology Association of NZ investigation

1956 photographs of the wreck

Bill visits the wreck of the Hydrabad

We went for a walk up the Hokio / Waitarere beach in search of the whale burial site, and couldn’t see anything, but visited the site of the Hydrabad wreck instead:

See Wreck of the Hydrabad

Dinner with Bill; he took the photo for a change...

#wellingtonnz #wellington #dinner #billhastings

Dinner with the best

Dinner with Bill

Birthday dinner

Loretta restaurant outdid themselves for my birthday dinner!

Hokio Feijoa Harvest 2018 (Part I)

2018 Hōkio feijoa harvest, part 1. #hokiobounty

Dinner at Peka Peka

Dinner at Peka Peka #longsummer #kapiticoast #relaxing

Hazey Days @ Rita

Hazey Days @ Rita / 89 Aro St is #amazing #delicious #gethere #billhastings

Enjoying the heat @ Hokio

Enjoying the heat @ Hōkio

Enjoying the heat before heading to the Big Freeze @ NYC! #HokioSummer

Bill’s Xmas Feast #HokioSummer

Xmas cooking preparations. Nice work, Bill :)

Wave at the beach #WellingtonShines

Simon LeBon, oh no, hang on… it’s Bill in Vienna, 1998

Preparations for Sunday dinner #lovelocal

Party scenes 🎉 🎈 🎊 #20Years

OTT Preparation. #20Years

Pasture experience - spectacular

Welcome to the Pleasuredome!
