Bill enjoyed his grilled sandwich

Hōkio figs with Gorgonzola dolce and thyme honey.

Hōkio fresh fig festival

Extraordinary birthday dinner at Rita with Bill - briefly in Wellington between Florida and Vanuatu.

Dinner with Bill at L’Houstalet restaurant, Port Vila, Vanuatu 🇻🇺

Bill enjoying a delicious lobster while I watch on…

Great to welcome Mr Go's to Eva Street!IMG 3622IMG 3619IMG 3614

Family brunch for Matariki at Floriditas #family #brunch #matariki #matariki2023

Collage of family brunch photos. Ash, Eva Louise, Mum and Dad.

Deuxième dîner d’adieu avant de partir pour Vanuatu

@ Shepherd Restaurant

#dinner #farewell #billhastings #vanuatu

Bill at the kitchen bench at Shepherd Restaurant Three glorious dishes at Shepherd

Key Lime Pie - from Hōkio limes. #limes #pie #keylimepie #billhastings #family #familydinner

Key Lime Pie with fresh green lime zest. A box of limes.A slice of Key Lime pie.

Ngāi Tukairangi Trust Tukituki orchard

Amazing solar-powered elevated mobile orchard pruning and picking platforms #horticulture #orchard #apples #innovation #foodandfibre #ngaitukairangitrust #aotearoa

Mobile elevated picking platform between  espaliered apple trees

Huge benefits for worker comfort and safety, speed of work, and - frankly - fun! #worksafe #worksmart #workfun #noladders

Today’s harvest. #limes #feijoas #onefig

Basket of limes, feijoas and a solitary fig.

A truly fabulous family occasion - the Twins 80th birthday. Gathering at a sunny seaside deck and garden, a feast of food, and the 80 year old twin sisters opening gifts.

#family #gathering #feast #food #coast #sun #sea #beach #kāpiti #aotearoa #80th #80thbirthday

Collage of 80th birthday photos, including many people on a sun seaside deck and garden, a feast of food and the 80 year old twin sisters opening gifts.

Figs, Figs, Feijoas and Limes. The bounty of Hōkio.

Cut red figs, a collection of figs, feijoas and limes

Garston, Southland. Visiting Garston Hops, the southernmost hops growers in Aotearoa.

view of mountains from Garston evening sun on hills

Poached feijoas #feijoas #poached #preserves

jars of poached feijoas

Ottolenghi birthday feast

Ottolenghi birthday feast at Hōkio prepared by Andrew and Alec #hōkio #hokiobeach #feast #birthday #friends #dinner #delicious

Dishes: • Tomatoes with sumac onions and pine nuts • Brussel sprouts with burnt butter and black garlic • Sweet potato in tomato, lime and cardamom sauce • Lime and coconut potato gratin • Curried carrot mash with brown butter

Collage of Ottolenghi dishes

Great way to start the day after a fabulous concert 🎶 📚 🥯 #deli #federalstreetdelicatessen #florenceandthemachine #concert #books #unitybooks #auckland #tāmakimakaurau

bag of books from Unity in a booth at Federal Deli

Delicious tomato salad, crispy potato and beans. #summer #dinner #family #beach #hokio

The Federal Store, Ngāmotu #brunch #holiday #roadtrip #friends #Taranaki

Collage of photos of The Federal Store. Signs, interior woodwork, dog water bowl, smiling friend.

Books and coffee, Taranaki style #books #coffee #NgāMotu #Taranaki #holiday #roadtrip

Two books (one titled “Eliot’s Book of Bookish List”) and two flat white coffees.