Wreck of the Hydrabad
Exposed elements of the wreck of the Hydrabad Waitarere Beach
Maritime Archeaology Association of NZ investigation
Bill visits the wreck of the Hydrabad
We went for a walk up the Hokio / Waitarere beach in search of the whale burial site, and couldn’t see anything, but visited the site of the Hydrabad wreck instead:
Whale washes up dead on Hokio Beach
A large whale washed up dead on Hōkio Beach. Muaūpoko Iwi, as mana whenua, were responsible for ensuring the whale’s remains were treated according to tikanga. It is believed to have been Pygmy Blue Whale.
4 Sep 2020: Muaūpoko Iwi observe tikanga as dead whale washes up on Hōkio Beach
7 Sep 2020: Whale remains at Hōkio Beach too decomposed to find cause of death