Calm. (And Facebook is down! Yay!) #calm #facebook #peace

Very proud of the mahi (work) my partner has undertaken for the last nine years:… #billhastings

Pōneke Pride Hīkoi - Happy Wellington Pride! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤🤎💖

“Azadi” - Freedom, Fascism, Fiction - Arundhati Roy

An incredible set of essays on our times, focussed on India, but relevant everywhere.

LibraryThing Catalog Entry

Georgia, Georgia The whole day through This old sweet song Keeps Georgia on my mind…

What if Instead of Calling People Out, We Called Them In?

Calling out assumes the worst. Calling in involves conversation, compassion and context. It doesn’t mean a person should ignore harm, slight or damage, but nor should she, he or they exaggerate it.

Getting everyone on the same bus / train / waka is hard work, especially when it comes to climate change #hewakaekenoa #mbnov #climatechange

May the Force be with you #mbnov

“A country of possibilities”. Welcome back, America.

The ties that bind us are greater than the forces which seek to pull us apart #mbnov

Parliamentary trees

I haven’t had to inflate a rugby 🏉 ball in years. But I do remember playing rugby with New Zealand’s new Deputy Prime Minister as part of NZ’s first gay 🌈 rugby team :) #mbnov

It’s puzzling why so many people vote the way they do, all over the world #mbnov

It seems there is nothing some politicians will not stoop to, in order to retain power… #mbnov

I’m near to going to bed. What a day. #mbnov

Community housing, Wellington City Council.

Delighted that this has been fully renovated.


Government spends $20 million on Covid-19 advertising campaign delivered at ‘breakneck pace’ |

The cost of people not receiving important information relating to Covid-19 was far greater than the cost of the advertising, he said.

NZ Bookshop Day - on Election Day!

Aotearoa New Zealand takes voting seriously. These are the voting locations in Wellington City, population 213,000. Voting is open for 2 weeks, plus postal voting.

Voted. #electionsnz