Very proud of the mahi (work) my partner has undertaken for the last nine years: www.stuff.co.nz/national/… #billhastings
“Azadi” - Freedom, Fascism, Fiction - Arundhati Roy
An incredible set of essays on our times, focussed on India, but relevant everywhere.

What if Instead of Calling People Out, We Called Them In?
Calling out assumes the worst. Calling in involves conversation, compassion and context. It doesn’t mean a person should ignore harm, slight or damage, but nor should she, he or they exaggerate it.
Getting everyone on the same bus / train / waka is hard work, especially when it comes to climate change #hewakaekenoa #mbnov #climatechange
I haven’t had to inflate a rugby 🏉 ball in years. But I do remember playing rugby with New Zealand’s new Deputy Prime Minister as part of NZ’s first gay 🌈 rugby team :) #mbnov
The cost of people not receiving important information relating to Covid-19 was far greater than the cost of the advertising, he said.
Aotearoa New Zealand takes voting seriously. These are the voting locations in Wellington City, population 213,000. Voting is open for 2 weeks, plus postal voting.
The brownshirts are preparing...
The latest Atlantic story about extreme militia groups preparing to contest the US election is deeply, deeply troubling:
wars don’t always start with a clear, decisive event—an attack, a coup, an invasion—and that you might not realize you’re in one until it’s under way. Civil conflict is gradual.
Has the US conflict already begun? What can be done to halt it?
Read more: Right-Wing Militias Are Bracing for Civil War - The Atlantic