Larco Museum , Lima Perú -
Lunch at La Mar -
Streets of Lima - wonderful architecture of the Miraflores district. Bill points out the interesting points.
First archaeological site in Perú - Huaca Pullcana adobe-brick pyramid of the Lima culture (cAD200-700).
Brief stay in Miami at the fabulous Mr C Coconut Hotel - with a wonderful 2pm laaaate checkout to match out 10 hour delayed arrival at 7am.
Amazing pool & swim too!

10 hour delay in Houston Airport due to the global CrowdStrike IT outage. Great G&Ts from a fab bartender still working at 2am!

Glorious evening light flying out of Wellington to Brisbane and Vanuatu.
#travel #flying #dusk #eveninglight #wellingtonnz #pōneke #brisbane #vanuatu
Utterly delighted that my niece Eva Louise has been selected as part of the Women’s Under 19 Floorball team to represent NZ at the World Championships in Finland. Amazing achievement Eva - it will be a fantastic experience!