Morning walk

Beach day, Oriental Bay, Te Whanganui a Tara.

Glorious morning walk in Wellington, Aotearoa.

Beach Days ⛱️

Jeremy at Hokio beach wearing a reverse cap.

Eketāhuna walk Exploring the small country town of Eketāhuna

Clyde Quay Marina, Te Whanganui a Tara.

Boat sheds of Clyde Quay marina Cloud reflections and boats


Oriental Bay rocks

Hōkio sunset

Deep orange sunset

Morning walk - Day 79

View of Wellington harbour View south of Mt Victoria, Wellington

Brisbane river fireworks - Happy New Year!

Xmas morning Irises, Hōkio beach

Purple, yellow and white irisExplosion of irises

Happy Xmas morning at Hōkio Beach.

Rose-tipped clouds over the sea.

Merry Xmas Eve from Hōkio, Aotearoa

Glorious sunset

Traditional Hokio Xmas Irises



Horse and rider cantering on a beach, sea behind.

Moody beach

Contrasting panels of blues and greys on a wide sandy beach and sea.

Wellington summer nights

Collage of evening views of Wellington.

Blustery morning walk

Moody morning walk, Oriental Bay.