Hōkio sunset

Deep orange sunset

Morning walk - Day 79

View of Wellington harbour View south of Mt Victoria, Wellington

Brisbane river fireworks - Happy New Year!

Xmas morning Irises, Hōkio beach

Purple, yellow and white irisExplosion of irises

Happy Xmas morning at Hōkio Beach.

Rose-tipped clouds over the sea.

Merry Xmas Eve from Hōkio, Aotearoa

Glorious sunset

Traditional Hokio Xmas Irises



Horse and rider cantering on a beach, sea behind.

Moody beach

Contrasting panels of blues and greys on a wide sandy beach and sea.

Wellington summer nights

Collage of evening views of Wellington.

Blustery morning walk

Moody morning walk, Oriental Bay.

Pohotukawa in bloom in the first week of summer in Pōneke.

Morning walk, Te Whanganui a Tara.

Lazy afternoons.

The secret garden, Hōkio Beach.

#garden #secret #aotearoa

Morning walk, Pōneke.

Morning walk, Pōneke.

#walk #wellington #aotearoa

Storm clouds gather.

Storm clouds over Taranaki St / Courtney Place.