Hōkio Stream, 1 Kohitātea 2018 #hokiosummer

Good morning 2018! May this be a year when we #riseup, take the challenge, and bend the arc of history towards justice

“Raining”, apparently #HokioSummer

Hōkio sun.

Wave at the beach #WellingtonShines

Splashing around in the afternoon #WellingtonShines

Hōkio sunset #HokioSummer

Deep in the garden #Eketahuna

Moonrise over #Eketahuna

It’s hot our there… #WellingtonShines

Brilliant warm, windless evening #WellingtonShines

Morning run, boats.

Blazing sun, waterfront #WellingtonShines

Coastal. #WellingtonShines

Cloudless. #WellingtonShines

Splendid morning, Wellington Harbour #WellingtonShines

Evans Bay boatyard. #WellingtonShines

Harbour sight

One of my favourite spots in earth…

Come on in… #WellingtonNZ