Deuxième dîner d’adieu avant de partir pour Vanuatu

@ Shepherd Restaurant

#dinner #farewell #billhastings #vanuatu

Bill at the kitchen bench at Shepherd Restaurant Three glorious dishes at Shepherd

Premier dîner d’adieu au Vanuatu #farewell #dinner #vanuatu 🇻🇺 at Concord Restaurant

Bill holding up a negroni at Concord Restaurant, Wellington

Runner 🏃‍♂️

Picture of me after a run at Hōkio

Beach walk, Hōkio #hokio #hokiobeach

Selfie of me on Hōkio beach.

Key Lime Pie - from Hōkio limes. #limes #pie #keylimepie #billhastings #family #familydinner

Key Lime Pie with fresh green lime zest. A box of limes.A slice of Key Lime pie.

Morning rain, morning light. #hōkio #hokiobeach #rain #light #morning #mōrena

Collage of views from the deck at Hōkio beach showing rain, clouds but also morning light in hues of pink, gold and blue throughout.

Collage of views from the deck at Hōkio beach showing rain, clouds but also morning light in hues of pink, gold and blue throughout.

Blue sky day. #bluesky #blueskyday #pōneke #streets

Blue sky above Mandatory store with cyclist riding pastBlue sky above Te Aro ParkBlue sky over Cuba StreetBlue sky over Eva Street

Walk in the sun with my sister Louise, visiting from Brisbane #family #sister #sun #walking

Me and my sister in the waterfront Evans Bays sparkling in the sunMe enjoying the public seat on the Evans Bay walkway

Sparkling #evansbaymarina #evansbay #pōneke #marina #sun #water #sea

Evans Bay MarinaEvans Bay MarinaEvans Bay Marina

Pre-dinner drinks for dad’s 82nd birthday #birthday #82 #82nd #82ndbirthday #family

Family gathering for 82nd birthday

Mōrena Pōneke. #mōrena #atamārie #pōneke #evast #hannahslaneway

That green light, we want it. #pōneke #mōrena #morning #light

Morning light in Te Aro parkMorning light in Te Aro parkMorning light in Te Aro parkMorning light in Pōneke

Today Pōneke was sublime #pōneke #wellington #sun #light #sublime

View along Cable St towards Tākina convention centreTākina convention centreView of the Rowing Club and buildings beyondSeaside kina sculpture and buildings beyondMajestic centre in evening lightCuba Stree Bucket FountainGhzunee Street with purple skyFloriditas building on Cuba Street

Riding into the future. #wellington #pōneke #cycling #trees #sublight

Two cyclists on Willis St Wellington. Sunlight through trees. Blue sky on a winters day.

Two cyclists on Willis St Wellington. Sunlight through trees. Blue sky on a winters day.

Ngāi Tukairangi Trust Tukituki orchard

Amazing solar-powered elevated mobile orchard pruning and picking platforms #horticulture #orchard #apples #innovation #foodandfibre #ngaitukairangitrust #aotearoa

Mobile elevated picking platform between  espaliered apple trees

Huge benefits for worker comfort and safety, speed of work, and - frankly - fun! #worksafe #worksmart #workfun #noladders

Coffee stop in Waipukurau #raodtrip #coffee #waipukurau #aotearoa

coffee window at Waipukurau train station

Lazy Sunday afternoon

After a very busy family weekend, it’s nice just to relax and do very little.

Bill on a beach. #billhastings #beach #sun #walk #loveofmylife

Extremely good looking man in a red shirt and jacket walking on a sunny beach.

Today’s harvest. #limes #feijoas #onefig

Basket of limes, feijoas and a solitary fig.

A truly fabulous family occasion - the Twins 80th birthday. Gathering at a sunny seaside deck and garden, a feast of food, and the 80 year old twin sisters opening gifts.

#family #gathering #feast #food #coast #sun #sea #beach #kāpiti #aotearoa #80th #80thbirthday

Collage of 80th birthday photos, including many people on a sun seaside deck and garden, a feast of food and the 80 year old twin sisters opening gifts.