And then the sun came out … #winter #sun #beach #batch #family #kāpiti #coast #cards #deck #80th #80thbirthday

Collage of sunlit views on a coastal deck, including a group of people playing cards

Family winter swimming madness! #beach #swim #winter #family #freezing #kāpiti #80th #80thbirthday

Group of mad people preparing to swim in the cold seaGroup of mad people swimming in the cold sea

Aunty Jo and Fred comedy duo #bakers #barrs #luffs #twins #80th #80thbirthday

laughing Jo and Fred

Family craziness has begun! #bakers #barrs #luffs #twins #80th #80thbirthday

family antics ft. 80 year old twin sisters

Kāpiti coast, Raumati #beach #coast #kāpiti #raumati #family

view of the south Kāpiti coast looking south. mixed blue sky and white clouds

Figs, Figs, Feijoas and Limes. The bounty of Hōkio.

Cut red figs, a collection of figs, feijoas and limes


Even on the hard days, keep at it.

Early morning gym photo in a mirror with a weight rack in the foreground

Queenstown, early morning run 🏃‍♂️

view of Queenstown inner harbour in early morning darkness

Fairlight Station and homestead, Southland. Wonderful visit to talk about their all female shepherds internship programme.

gate sign at Fairlight Station craggy peak behind homestead station homestead

Garston, Southland. Visiting Garston Hops, the southernmost hops growers in Aotearoa.

view of mountains from Garston evening sun on hills

Poached feijoas #feijoas #poached #preserves

jars of poached feijoas

Finished reading: Lie With Me by Philippe Besson 📚

A gloriously written story of hidden first love in 1980s provincial France, reminding us of the loss, pain and wasted opportunities created by social oppression. The final pages pack an incredible punch that will stay with me for a very long time.

The fact I was a teenager in this time period and had lived in France only a few years earlier deepened the impact on me significantly. Philippe Besson is incredible.

Candlelit study #candle #books #study #library

Stacks of books and notebook illuminated by a candle.

Ottolenghi birthday feast

Ottolenghi birthday feast at Hōkio prepared by Andrew and Alec #hōkio #hokiobeach #feast #birthday #friends #dinner #delicious

Dishes: • Tomatoes with sumac onions and pine nuts • Brussel sprouts with burnt butter and black garlic • Sweet potato in tomato, lime and cardamom sauce • Lime and coconut potato gratin • Curried carrot mash with brown butter

Collage of Ottolenghi dishes

Chill’n in the garden #hōkio #hokiobeach #garden #chill #chilling #palms #weekend #tunes

pillows on the deck under the dappled light of palm trees

Fire in the Sky #mōrena #morning #sunrise #pōneke #wellington

bright orange, pink and red sky over a cityscape

Misty morning #tāmaki #tāmakimakaurau #auckland #quickvisit #mōrena #morning #misty #harbour #view #sammackay

View across CBD buildings to a misty but otherwise sunny Auckland harbour

A little art in Auckland #tāmaki #tāmakimakaurau #toiotāmaki #aucklandartgallery #tate #light #sammackay

Golden hour in Hagley Park 🌳 #ōtautahi #hagleypark #christchurch

late evening sun on trees in a park

Just a little party. 🌈🎉 #CubaDupa #HouseParty #EvaSt # HannahsLaneway #Pōneke

collage of various house party pictures