Beru island, Kiribati

A few pictures from the island of Beru, one of the southern islands of Kiribati 🇰🇮 - the impacts of sea level rise killing of coconut trees is palpable. The ponds are used to grow algae, a traditional specialty of Beru (seen in the bucket). #billhastings #beruisland #kiribati🇰🇮 #kiribati #climatechange

Team farewell dinner. #team #farewell #dinner #thanks #awesometeam #economics #insights #blnz

Eva St renovation update

Plastering is completed. Sanding, painting, joinery installation, and electrical / lighting fittings installation to come.

Calm. (And Facebook is down! Yay!) #calm #facebook #peace

Boyz Weekend Brunch with my nephew

Ka awatea, Te Akau-Tangi. #dawn #newday #newbeginnings #pōneke #teakautangi #tewhanganuiatara #aotearoa

Levitating #walk #bush #nikau #ngahere #horowhenua #aotearoa

Bella likes the view from the deck at Hōkio #dog #view #hokio #hōkio #hokiobeach

Dinner with Katie and Eva #dinner #family #celebration #pasta #cubastreet #wellington #pōneke #aotearoa

Théo, Badger and Simon came to Hōkio Beach #friends #beach #walks #sun #spring #hokio #hōkio #hokiobeach #horowhenua #aotearoa

Kio Bay, Te Whanganui-a-Tara #sun #harbour #water #wellington #tewhanganuiatara #pōneke #aotearoa

Lazy afternoon in the garden #garden #palms #tunes #birds #hokio #hōkio #hokiobeach #horowhenua #aotearoa

Rivulets #beach #evening #driftwood #hokio #hōkio #hokiobeach #horowhenua #aotearoa

Reaching #beach #evening #driftwood #hokio #hōkio #hokiobeach #horowhenua #aotearoa

Hōkio morning #morning #hokio #hōkio #hokiobeach #spring #garden #beach #sun #dawn #horowhenua #aotearoa

A break in the weather #waterfront #stormbreak #spring #evansbay #wellington #aotearoa

Happy Father’s Day dad! It’s been so delightful to spend time with you and mum over the last few days in our shared bubble. #fathersday #lockdown #level3 #family #walks #wellington #aotearoa

Re-used steel panel art wall with copper door. #renovations #recycle #warehouseapartment #openplan #design #evastreet #hannahslaneway #wellington #aotearoa

Moody waters #water #moody #spring #shellybay #wellington #aotearoa

IMG 8921IMG 8922IMG 8917IMG 8919

Walks around Wellington #walks #wellington #lockdown #exercise #level3 #aotearoa