I bought some art …

Two pieces titled “Seasons Change”, by Lisa Walsh, an artist based in Waverley, South Taranaki. Fired glass, mounted on old glass windows.


2021 is better than 2020….

Xmas Part Deux @ Eketāhuna Country Cottage #ekecountrycottage #eketahuna #xmas #family #aotearoanz

Meri Kirihimete no Hōkio!

Hokio beach sunset

Last days of an icon.

Pohutukawa lawn - Xmas in Aotearoa #pohutukawa #aotearoanz

Out of office is on… won’t be back till this nightmare of a year is gone!

It’s been a year … thank goodness I’ve had this fabulous human with me all the way. Love you Bill 💕 #love #2020 #bestfriends #nearlythere #hannahslaneway #evast #wellingtonnz #aotearoanz

Flower gift from a friend. Thank you so much :) #flowers #gifts #balcony #summer

4 random beautiful books from the Library. #beautifulbooks #buylocal #buylocalnz @vicbks @unitybookswgtn @goodbookshopnz #saynotoamazon

Such a great brunch at the weekend. We are so lucky to have such a wonderful restaurant in our courtyard #hannahslaneway #evast #wellingtonnz

Eke country cottage flowers

Blue sky in the city

Sun dappled #sun #dappled #apartment #evast

The sun shines a little in Wellington

Oh what a night …

Party hosts #xmas #party #billhastings #aotearoanz

Ready for the party…

Bentley is kinda cute