The cost of people not receiving important information relating to Covid-19 was far greater than the cost of the advertising, he said.
Went to see “Baby Done” at the fabulous Lighthouse Cuba Cinema last night:
One of the most remarkable things about Baby Done, other than Rose Matafeo’s glorious performance, is that Zoe’s edges aren’t sanded down at all. She’s unashamedly ambitious and stubborn; she suffers no bullshit. She’s the kind of character you can imagine making producers nervous, the kind of person you’d either warm to at a party or walk away from immediately.
She’s totally someone I’d warm to - and the movie is amazing.
How Sophie Henderson got Baby Done done | The Spinoff

New chocolate bars! @wellingtonchocolatefactory #chocolate #beantobar #fairtrade #smallbatch #locallymade #evast #hannahslaneway #wellingtonnz #aotearoa

A new book 📚 for the new library 📚 from a new bookshop 📚 #library #books #wellingtonnz #bookshop #nzbooks #nzbookshopday2020 @goodbookshopnz
"The Madman's Library" - The strangest books, manuscripts and other literary curiosities from history (Edward Brooke-Hitching, 2020)