Thank goodness we are flying out of NZ via Wellington Airport, not Auckland. Perhaps hubbing all international flights out of Auckland isn’t such a crash-hot idea after all! #WgtnAirport #Wellington
I’ve voted, before we head overseas next week. So get out there and do it!
I just love that as part of the NZ election cammpaign there is so much discussion of detailed policy and useful analysis of the issues under debate:…
My 2007 iMac has sadly had to be retired after 10 good years, but I can now order a 27-inch iMac with Retina 5K :)
Fabulous first course at Shepherd Restaurant’s Wellington on a Plate dinner - “The Number of the Feast” - Hot and spiced olive oil soup, chilled fermented cucumber, fenugreek, buttermilk - hot & delicious!
Egmont St Eatery's
Delicious accompaniment to the Egmont St Eatery’s “Filet-O-Cray” Wellington on a Plate burger - Garage Project ‘Trois Fleurs’ Garden Grisette
#WOAP #ABadgerReturns #Wellingtonnz

A Monster Calls - moving, picturesque and truthful exploration of grief and acceptance - and the power of stories. #NZIFF