First archaeological site in PerΓΊ - Huaca Pullcana adobe-brick pyramid of the Lima culture (cAD200-700).
Brief stay in Miami at the fabulous Mr C Coconut Hotel - with a wonderful 2pm laaaate checkout to match out 10 hour delayed arrival at 7am.
Amazing pool & swim too!

10 hour delay in Houston Airport due to the global CrowdStrike IT outage. Great G&Ts from a fab bartender still working at 2am!

Finished reading: Consider Phlebas by Iain M. Banks π
The first book on the βCultureβ Series, now a classic science fiction setting. Explores the Culture largely from the view on an antagonist in the midst of a devastating galactic war. Covers vast and immense scope with finely crafted characters and intense interpersonal relationships and conflict.
Glorious evening light flying out of Wellington to Brisbane and Vanuatu.
#travel #flying #dusk #eveninglight #wellingtonnz #pΕneke #brisbane #vanuatu
Finished reading: Hard by the Cloud House by Peter Walker π
Interesting mix of natural history, history and mythological investigation.
Finished reading: On Savage Shores by Caroline Dodds Pennock π
Finished reading: Blackouts by Justin Torres π
Finished reading: Fifth Sun by Camilla Townsend π
Finished reading: Annals of Native America by Camilla Townsend π