Long term trends fascinate me; fads don’t. It’s working out which is which that is the problem. #mbnov

Auckland train and bus to the airport

Auckland airport from Britomart station by train and bus transfer at Puhinui station - transfers every 10 minutes. Total cost $8 - compared to $70+ via taxi or rideshare. Similar travel time.

(Normal trip cost is $5.40; the $8 included a new AT Hop card. It was also Santa Parade day and central Auckland was gridlocked. Uber was quoting $122 to get to the airport - and it would have taken 1.5 hours....)

Britomart train station Train arrivingTrain interiorPurple lights on escalator Brand new futuristic Puhinui stationAirport transfer electronic timetable - every 10 minutes

The motivation to get and stay fit has been simple - I want to feel good and relaxed in my body. Looking good is a nice bonus. #mbnov

Rufus Du Sol

Went to the Rüfüs Du Sol concert in Tāmaki Makaurau last night. It was pure joy and wonderment.

A concert crowd seemingly stretching to the horizon, under a blizzard of white paper confetti

The crowd at the Vector Arena seemingly stretching to infinity under a blizzard of white confetti.

Man dancing in swirling white paper confetti

Sam surrounded by confetti.

Two women smiling and dancing

Rusty and Melissa - who we met at the show - enjoying the vibe.

My sister at the concert!

Turns out my sister was at the same concert - neither of us knew till we saw each other in the crowd!

Singer thanking the crowd at the emd of the show

 Rüfüs Du Sol member and singer Tyrone Lindqvist thanking the crowd.

Getting up early, meditating and excercising regularly aren’t easy things to do - but the commitment required is itself one of the benefits of doing so, I’ve found. #mbnov

My morning ritual involves getting up at 5:30am, meditating, then either the gym or a run. Then shower and breakfast, and review the day ahead. Successfully kept this up for two years now.

I think we all need to work hard to retain our composure in the face of the many challenges and provocations we face. Not because we shouldn’t address those issues - but precisely because a well considered response is essential. #mbnov

I absolutely love following along as the ongoing excavations at the Ness of Brodgar reveal new insights into this fascinating Neolithic site in the Orkney islands.

The latest update shares new findings about Structure Twenty-Seven and the ‘exquisite’ stonework involved.

She Who Wrote: Enheduanna and Women of Mesopotamia, ca. 3400–2000 BC

This exhibition at the Morgan Library and Museum in New York from October 2022 to February 2023 looks fascinating! Wish I could spare the time to go and see it. 

The exhibition covers the first known author by name in history - Enheduanna, the high priestess of the temple of the moon god in the city of Ur. She was the daughter of the Akkadian king Sargon (ca. 2344-2279 BC). Her poetry reflected her deep devotion to the goddess of sexual love and warfare—Inanna in Sumerian, Ishtar in Akkadian. 

She Who Wrote: Enheduanna and Women of Mesopotamia, ca. 3400–2000 BC

Viking Textiles Show Women Had Tremendous Power

Exciting article that details new findings on the archeology of textiles in the Viking era, and the implications for the wealth and power of women in that culture and period.

Viking Textiles Show Women Had Tremendous Power - Scientific American

Alexa, Amazon and loss leading

So it seems that Alexa is making huge losses for Amazon.

It is not that making losses is unusual for Amazon; their entire business model is based on ‘loss leading’. The problem with Alexa appears to be that the ‘loss’ wasn’t ‘leading’ to anything…

Amazon Alexa is a colossal failure - on pace to lose 10 billion this year

Way up high

Various views of Pōneke

I had the opportunity yesterday to provide the sector I work in with a comprehensive update of the work we’ve been doing and set out our focus for the next year. I always find these kinds of opportunities very helpful as they help refine and clarify your story. #mbnov

Watching sheep quietly graze the green pastoral landscape in Aotearoa New Zealand is remarkably soothing. This one is a Pitt Island sheep - a rare breed from an island in the Rekohu / Chathams group.

Today is Bill and I's 25th anniversary. It's the anniversary of our first date, on 22 November 1997. We went to see LA Confidential - still such a great movie.

Bill with a negroniLA Confidential movie poster

The fatigue resulting from my second round of Covid has unfortunately meant I have had to put quite a few plans on ice. But things are looking up! Slowly getting my energy back :)

I’ve been playing a bunch of Canadian songs on repeat today. I made a playlist for Bill which he seems to like.

Apple Music Playlist

Spotify Playlist

This is so wonderful…


@Miraz - I think I might need to learn how to embed things!!

Real time chronicle of the Space Karen debacle:

Twitter is Going Great!

Space Karen - a photoshopped image of Elon Musk