New library layout 📚

Family time! Brunch with Eva & Ash @brawsnacks @shepherdrestaurant

It’s Election Day in Aotearoa New Zealand - if you haven’t already - vote!

Farm open day, Marlborough NZ

“The Burning of Books - A History of Knowledge Under Attack” 📚 (John Murray 2020)

Attacks on knowledge and its importance are increasingly notable. Such attacks have a long history, and this book explores that history, and its continuing relevance.

LibraryThing Entry

Waterfront walks

Wellington Harbour, Aotearoa New Zealand

8:45AM UTC/GMT+13 - Wednesday 14 October 2020

Hikitia floating crane (constructed 1926)


24-hour photo challenge

Ice plants in bloom 🌸

Hōkio dune views

Hōkio garden spring clean

Streets of Wellington. The sun is definitely here.

Spring in the city

Fun times :)

Meg, Maddy, Freddy & me.

Aotearoa New Zealand takes voting seriously. These are the voting locations in Wellington City, population 213,000. Voting is open for 2 weeks, plus postal voting.

Celebration dinner after a good days work #cubastreet #wellingtonnz #billhastings #dinner

The reading room takes shape… #renovations #kitchen #update #upgrade #warehouseapartment #openplan #design #evastreet #hannahslaneway #wellingtonnz

Voted. #electionsnz

Above & Beyond Group Therapy 400 - Live from London

Listen: Apple Music | Spotify

The brownshirts are preparing...

The latest Atlantic story about extreme militia groups preparing to contest the US election is deeply, deeply troubling:

wars don’t always start with a clear, decisive event—an attack, a coup, an invasion—and that you might not realize you’re in one until it’s under way. Civil conflict is gradual.

Has the US conflict already begun? What can be done to halt it?

Read more: Right-Wing Militias Are Bracing for Civil War - The Atlantic

Freddie and Maddy at Fix & Fogg

Freddie and Maddy visited Fix & Fogg in the Hannah’s Laneway.

IMG 9397