Inspecting the beach. #HokioSummer
Hōkio Beach, dusk. #HokioSummer
Kāpiti looms #HokioSummer
Next year’s crop already looks promising #HokioSummer
I never promised you a rose garden… #HokioSummer
Wellington from Mt Kaukau #WellingtonShines
South Island from Mt Kaukau
Wonderful Wellington Waterfront #WellingtonShines
Welcome to Wellington! #Noordam #WellingtonShines
How long will this go on? #WellingtonShines
Matairangi lookout #WellingtonShines
Wellington evening, Mt Victoria #WellingtonShines
Wellington Harbour #WellingtonShines
Lunch at Salty Pidgin, Brooklyn #WellingtonShines []
Another day in Wellington #HannahsLaneway
And on into the night! Great party - thanks to everyone for an awesome time 🌈🕺🏼🎵👬💃🏼
The party continues… #DayoftheDead #HannahsLaneway
Party frivolities! #DayoftheDead #HannahsLaneway
Pauline, Dave, Fidel & Raewyn #DayoftheDead #HannahsLaneway
First fabulous guests! #DayoftheDead #HannahsLaneway