Sam does cleaning #wondersnevercease

Party scenes 🎉 🎈 🎊 #20Years

OTT Preparation. #20Years

Coastal. #WellingtonShines

Hmmm. There’s something missing? What could it be Sam? (PS, how is work today?) #WellingtonShines

Cloudless. #WellingtonShines

Splendid morning, Wellington Harbour #WellingtonShines

My afternoon tea guests. Lyall Bay, Maranui Surf Club #WellingtonShines

Evans Bay boatyard. #WellingtonShines

Harbour sight

Pasture experience - spectacular

Welcome to the Pleasuredome!


Dinner. Pasture -

A little art….

Freddy Flea @ Federal Deli

Heading away for a surprise weekend to celebrate our upcoming 20th anniversary - I think Bill is excited!

One of my favourite spots in earth…

Come on in… #WellingtonNZ

Sea Lavender (Limonium perezii) - Hōkio garden #HokioSummer

Briar rose 🌸 Hōkio #HokioSummer